So, finally the summer has passed and suddenly we're in October, that can only mean one thing; games are coming out again. After the usual barren summer months where releases are few and far between, we're about to get swamped with a whole mess of big games. In fact, it's already begun, the likes of Gears of War 3 and Dark Souls are already on store shelves, with Forza 4, Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, and many more certifiable hits fast approaching.
'What does this imminent onslaught of releases mean for my gaming blog of choice, Attack Button?', I hear you cry! Well, the fact is, I simply won't be playing every single one of these big games, I'd love to, believe me, but I'm limited by funds, time, and... well, mainly funds and time I suppose. So, in order to make this feel at least somewhat official, and to set myself some targets and deadlines, I'll try and outline how the next couple of months are going to go.
Basically, I plan on buying a few of the big releases. Gears of War 3 was the first, which I played for a week or so and then reviewed, I always want to be as fair as possible when writing a review for a game, it takes developers years to make these things so it's only fair to spend a bit of time with them before judging, that's why you sadly won't see reviews popping up on launch day. I never want to just post what I call a 'first-impressions review' without even giving the game a chance to show what it's got. The first few hours with a game can be misleading, some are slow-burners, some start great and then trail off as you go, sometimes you can have all these preconceptions about a game as you start to play that will affect your judgement and take a little while to fade away. That's one of the amazing things about gaming, your whole perspective on a title can change entirely with the more you play. For example, with Gears, I wanted to explore every facet of the game before making an overall judgement, I spent time in every mode, over a dozen hours in the multiplayer, and ran through the campaign twice. Now that's maybe a little more of a thorough job than I would give to a game I don't enjoy playing, but no matter what, if I'm reviewing a game, I will always complete it and explore its options thoroughly to give a fair and informed opinion.
Now, the reason I'm explaining my own philosophies here is to show why it'll take a little time for reviews to appear. In the future, with more time, and maybe even more writers, there'll be a lot more content, including reviews, put out at a much faster rate, I'm committed to making that happen someday. But for now I will work as hard as possible, since I know at least a couple of people have visited, to keep this blog up to date, and I'm planning on working out some ways to enable me to post a lot more regularly, starting immediately.
Going back to what I said earlier then, I do plan on buying a few of these big games, Gears was the first, Dark Souls will be the second which I intend on picking up tomorrow. Now, that game doesn't have as many modes as something like Gears of War, but it's still pretty damn big so I'll have to spend a bit of time with it. Plus, I have to finish it, and I don't know if you know this but that game is damn hard. However, since I was a big fan of Demon's Souls and am very excited for this game, I've got a few ideas of how to share my Dark Souls experience with this blog, and I'll write another post about that later.
As for the next game I'll buy, I frankly don't know yet. There's an awful lot coming out so we'll have to see, but I will try to play, review, and generally write as much as I can. I know that, at the moment, this blog is about as small-time as you can get, but that's not how I'm going to treat it. If I'm ever to run a site or work for one or anything like that, I'll need to get used to a more demanding pace of work, so this is a perfect way to practice and I'll try to treat this as though it were infinitely more important and popular than it really is. So expect to see a lot more content over the coming weeks, some of it might not be too great since I'm not used to writing under pressure, but hopefully I'll get better.
Roll on Christmas!
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