Sunday, 16 October 2011

Dark Souls Doom Diary - Days 6 and 7

As Frank Sinatra once sang, I did it my way. 

Dark Souls is complete, and not a moment too soon. Literally, I beat the final boss at around 11:20pm. I actually don't want to comment too much on what I've just played and the sheer intensity of that experience, I'll save that for the review which should be up by the end of the week. On Friday night, after a day of grinding and with the deadline of the challenge looming, my determination got the best of me. I decided I wouldn't let anything stop me from completing this game on time, and trust me, a lot of things tried to stop me, mostly scary things. The reason I'm not particularly conveying exuberance or joy in this post is because I'm still overwhelmed with disbelief that I've actually finished the game. Some of the battles seemed impossible at times, and even just getting through some areas was the most daunting task. Parts of it felt like I was just banging my head against a wall. The last few hours were some of the hardest I've ever had in gaming, and I've played Atlantis no Nazo

The game was everything I expected, and more, I really am sadly too tired to write too much on it right now. Not to sound like one of those people who pretends gaming is a strenuous activity, but that last session genuinely left me exhausted. 

Apologies for the lack of post yesterday, I was playing well into the night and, had I even attempted to write something in my sleep-deprived, caffeine-fuelled state, it would have been beyond incomprehensible. 

The review will be up soon, which will serve as a proper end to my Dark Souls-related musings, and in which I will go into much more detail about how this game turned out. I feel like it was one of the most excruciatingly intense, yet ridiculously rewarding gaming experiences of all time. I really wish I could write more, but this must be the effect of playing that game under pressure for nearly two days straight. 

I'm speechless.

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